Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leap Year.

Lagi Romantic Comedy...
Kali ni minah yang berlakon dlm Enchanted. Amy Adams.


Anna (Amy Adams) travels to Dublin, Ireland to propose to her boyfriend Jeremy (Adam Scott) on February 29, leap day, because according to Irish tradition, a woman can propose to a man on February 29 during a leap year.[3] While mid-flight to Dublin, there is a storm and the plane diverts to Cardiff, Wales. Anna hires a boat to take her to Cork, but the severity of the storm forces her to be put ashore on the Dingle Peninsula. She enlists the help of a surly Irish innkeeper, Declan (Matthew Goode), to taxi her across the country to Dublin to pull off the proposal in time, and begins to question her intentions with Jeremy when she makes a connection with Declan.

At first, Declan refuses to drive Anna to Dublin, but after his inn is threatened with foreclosure the next morning, he agrees to drive for €500. The two set out in Declan's rickety car, but they quickly run into a herd of cows. Anna shoos them away but steps in cow dung, causing her to lean against the car, which wheels back into a lake. Angry at Declan, Anna walks away from him; she stops a car for a lift and after offering to take her bag they drive away with her luggage to the delight of Declan. The two eventually reach a bar where they discover the men going through Anna's luggage. Declan punches them and they are both kicked out by the landlord. They eventually reach a train station by foot. While passing time waiting for the train at a nearby castle, Declan asks Anna what she would save if her apartment caught fire, and she is unable to answer. The train arrives early, and Anna misses it. The two go to a bed and breakfast, where they are forced to say that they are married so they are allowed to stay by their conservative hosts. During dinner, Anna and Declan are forced to kiss, which causes some confusion for them. That night, they hesitantly sleep in the same bed. The next day they take shelter from a hail storm in a church where a wedding is taking place. At the reception, Declan reveals that he was once engaged, but that his ex-fiancee ran off with his best friend, and his family ring, to Dublin.

The next day they arrive, by bus, in Dublin. When Anna reached Jeremy's hotel he proposes to her, and she accepts with hesitation as Declan walks away. At their engagement party, Anna finds out that Jeremy proposed to her in an effort to impress the manager of the ritzy condominium the two were attempting to buy. Dismayed, Anna pulls the fire alarm and watches as Jeremy grabs all the electronics before fleeing. Anna goes back to the Dingle Peninsula, where Declan is successfully running his inn. She proposes that they get together to "not make plans", and Declan leaves the room. Anna interprets this as rejection, so she goes outside and stands at a cliff over the sea. Declan follows her out and says, "Mrs. O'Brady Callaghan, where the hell are you going?" and proposes to her with the ring he retrieved from his ex-fiancee while in Dublin. Some time after, the two are shown driving in Declan's car with a 'Just Married' sign in the back.

--> bagi aku cite ni bes gak.. Aku tak paham nape banyak review yang negative! But then, as i said, mungkin aku minat sangat Romantic Comedy?? hahahaha..

Anna: [as she forces Declan awake] You lying, deceiving, son of a - Get up, get up, get up!
Declan: Wha-what?
Anna: Oh? Heads you win, tails I lose.
Declan: [smirks] Oh, you finally got that did you? Well then, good for you.
Anna: Up, get up! This is my bed. Liars forfeit.
[as she sniffs him]
Anna: And take a shower, you smell.
Declan: [shakes head] You can see right through the curtain.
Anna: Can you?... can you?
Declan: [as he runs to the shower] Okay, liars forfeit, liars forfeit! No peeking!

Bride: May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn't live a day without you. Cheers!
--> very the touching! huhuhu..

Anna: You fried my blackberry
Declan: You fried the whole village!

<--- very the kelakar bila mamat Declan ni memain dgn beg luggage LV yang minah ni bawak. hahahaha...

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