Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Beauty & the Briefcase.

Ive told ya im a sucker for a romantic comedy...
Today mood aku baik...
Bcoz of this movie! hahahah..
Punya aku sengih kat ofis sampai aku kena amik time out dlm toilet for a while coz i cant stop smiling!
Sebenarnya cite ni takde lah best sangat sampai bole dapat award.
In fact Cinderella Story yang Hillary Duff berlakon lagi best.. but then, its still a very romantic comedy!
Mula2 aku tak berapa yakin sangat nak tgk cite ni, sebab review sume cam hampeh.
Tp bila dah tgk..

Well welll wellll Hillary Duff, andaaa memangggg lawa... hahahah..

Beauty & the Briefcase.


Lane Daniels has a growing career and has a great future ahead of her as a writer. But when a pitch goes well at Cosmopolitan Magazine, set up by her friend, she is given the chance of a lifetime to write an article for them about dating men in suits. To complete this task, she must go undercover and datethe guys at the office.....she meets plenty, some nice, some not! After every date she writes it all down to help her final piece. Problems on the way include meeting the perfect guywho is NOT in a suit and everyone finding out what she has really been doing...

The Checklist

Lane, throughout her life, has made a checklist for the things she expects her "soulmate" or "perfect guy" to have. In the movie, the checklist sometimes drives her away from the guys that are right for her and drives her to the guys that are wrong for her.

--> errr.. sape yang takde 'check list!' huhuh.. tp dah namanya moviee.. n must i say, this is actually a fairy tales... in suit! :D
Dear Hilary Duff — May I call you Hil? Aw, thanks, Hil. I always knew w e'd get along. Anyway. You're pretty great at this whole acting thing, overall. You're cheerful, likable, beautiful, and you totally have the best hair ever. But can we talk about your new ABC Family movie, "Beauty and the Briefcase," for a sec?

Because I just wanted to say that anyone as talented and universally adored as you are should maybe have a better sense of which scripts will be good, cheesy fun, like "A Cinderella Story," and which ones will be steaming piles of flat jokes and repetitive dialogue that give women, fashion journalism, and investment banking a bad name, like last night's "Beauty and the Briefcase."

"Beauty" follows Lane, a young freelance fashion journalist, as she goes "undercover" in the "business world" on assignment from Cosmopolitan magazine's Kate White (played by Jamie Pressly) to find a man ina suit. But not only does the man have to look good in a suit, he also has to possess the qualities on her "magic man" checklist. There are many things wrong with that sentence, but the two most wrong things are that she holds the men to impossible, made-up standards, and that she calls the man of her dreams her "magic man." That sounds not only creepy but vaguely pedophilic.

While I wanted to like your movie, Hil, as you dressed up in colorful business casual ensembles and experimented with lipstick shades while unknowingly falling in love with your dorky boss (played by "True Blood" star Mike McMillian, who proceeds to say, "I love you" at the end... in the middle of a boardroom meeting? Really?), all I could see was the writer — who is male, by the way (and could have only been a male, because no self-respecting woman would portray her peers as such vapid, boy-crazy idiots) —conjuring an unbelievable fantasy world where only men are good at business, where a woman's sole purpose in life is to find a man, and where people will believe that "The O.C."'s Chris Carmack has a passable British accent. None of these things are true in the real world. (And for that matter: neither is filing a "cover story" as a "journalist," and then getting your own picture on the cover!)

So, Hil-dawg, when you pick your next role from what I'm sure are the many scripts being offered to you this very moment, maybe read it a little more thoroughly t o double-check that your fashionista character will be spunky and smart as opposed to silly and superficial. In the meantime, I'll continue watching my "A Cinderella Story" DVD (hec k yes I own i t, so?) and pretending this mess of a TV movie didn't happen.

--> huhuh.. pretty mean ha?!
Well... I LIKEEEE THIS MOVIEEEEEEE........ keh keh keh.. watever... jom kita tgk gambar..

<--- FYI, sepanjang2 cite ni konon dia pakai beg 4 segi purple ni... sorry for my choice of word... aku tak berapa amik tau pasal 'fashion!' huhuhu.. Rupa2 nya beg purple agak2 masyuk dgn sume kaler eh! hahahhaa... ehem.. aku ni basic color aje g ofis... hitam.. blue black.. coklat... hehehe.. Pencil skirt ni mmg lawa.. sepanjang2 cite ni gak skirt yang dia pakai ala2 pencil skirt. Aku rasa badan dia chubby. Tp dia bole pull off pakai baju ala2 ketat cam ni n skirt dia yang begini.. kasut lak... mak aii.. cantik tak kasut yang dia pakai?? start la aku berkenan ni!! Tp mak aii tinggi la pulak.. siap minah ni bole lari2 dgn kasut ni plak tuh.. alahaii.. mmg i impress! hahaha..

<-- Sethhhhh laa... Sethhhh ... kalau la kat ofis aku ada mamat hensem cam ni. Bole tolong dgn copier machine plak tu!!! hahaha .. tp agak bosan la mamat ni dlm cite ni. Walaupn dia hensem!! alaha iii..

Ada ke orang p tesco kaa.. giant kaa atau 7E pakai mask cam ni?? huahuaaa... -->

<-- masa ni ada conference call bos dia n mamat hensem Seth tu dgn client. Minah ni plak dok melompat2 kat belakang nak capai file. Sekali lagi.. impress dgn skir t dia yang mak aii.. ketat gile. Fit gak badan minah ni . Hahaha..Ko gile nak g ofis pakai skirt cam ni??? hahahahaha...

Sekali lagi pencil skirt dia bersama boss dia yang hensem....

But then, takde la seketat skirt yang Sandra Bullock pakai dlm 'The Proposal'!

--> Ala2 fashion show minah ni g ofis!

Mak aii... cite ni takde sape bawak keta.. sume naik teksi.. kat bandar dia pn tak de kaler lain, kuningggg memanjang.. alahaiii..

Lawa la minah ni.. takde cam Lindsay Lohan.. muka n badan dia penuh freakle! huhuhu.. oh ya.. ada 1 cite dia yang baru.. Labor Pains! huhuh.. ala2 romantic comedy gak.. tp cam tak sanggup nak tgk.. alahaiii..

<-- Lawa la pulak kasut grey dia nihhhh.. adehhh.. henseeeemmm mamat Seth nih. huhuhu... yang jadi bos dia tu aku teringat2 cite True Blood dia jadi leader "Fellowship of the Sun". huhhu...

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