Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Beauty & the Briefcase.

Ive told ya im a sucker for a romantic comedy...
Today mood aku baik...
Bcoz of this movie! hahahah..
Punya aku sengih kat ofis sampai aku kena amik time out dlm toilet for a while coz i cant stop smiling!
Sebenarnya cite ni takde lah best sangat sampai bole dapat award.
In fact Cinderella Story yang Hillary Duff berlakon lagi best.. but then, its still a very romantic comedy!
Mula2 aku tak berapa yakin sangat nak tgk cite ni, sebab review sume cam hampeh.
Tp bila dah tgk..

Well welll wellll Hillary Duff, andaaa memangggg lawa... hahahah..

Beauty & the Briefcase.


Lane Daniels has a growing career and has a great future ahead of her as a writer. But when a pitch goes well at Cosmopolitan Magazine, set up by her friend, she is given the chance of a lifetime to write an article for them about dating men in suits. To complete this task, she must go undercover and datethe guys at the office.....she meets plenty, some nice, some not! After every date she writes it all down to help her final piece. Problems on the way include meeting the perfect guywho is NOT in a suit and everyone finding out what she has really been doing...

The Checklist

Lane, throughout her life, has made a checklist for the things she expects her "soulmate" or "perfect guy" to have. In the movie, the checklist sometimes drives her away from the guys that are right for her and drives her to the guys that are wrong for her.

--> errr.. sape yang takde 'check list!' huhuh.. tp dah namanya moviee.. n must i say, this is actually a fairy tales... in suit! :D
Dear Hilary Duff — May I call you Hil? Aw, thanks, Hil. I always knew w e'd get along. Anyway. You're pretty great at this whole acting thing, overall. You're cheerful, likable, beautiful, and you totally have the best hair ever. But can we talk about your new ABC Family movie, "Beauty and the Briefcase," for a sec?

Because I just wanted to say that anyone as talented and universally adored as you are should maybe have a better sense of which scripts will be good, cheesy fun, like "A Cinderella Story," and which ones will be steaming piles of flat jokes and repetitive dialogue that give women, fashion journalism, and investment banking a bad name, like last night's "Beauty and the Briefcase."

"Beauty" follows Lane, a young freelance fashion journalist, as she goes "undercover" in the "business world" on assignment from Cosmopolitan magazine's Kate White (played by Jamie Pressly) to find a man ina suit. But not only does the man have to look good in a suit, he also has to possess the qualities on her "magic man" checklist. There are many things wrong with that sentence, but the two most wrong things are that she holds the men to impossible, made-up standards, and that she calls the man of her dreams her "magic man." That sounds not only creepy but vaguely pedophilic.

While I wanted to like your movie, Hil, as you dressed up in colorful business casual ensembles and experimented with lipstick shades while unknowingly falling in love with your dorky boss (played by "True Blood" star Mike McMillian, who proceeds to say, "I love you" at the end... in the middle of a boardroom meeting? Really?), all I could see was the writer — who is male, by the way (and could have only been a male, because no self-respecting woman would portray her peers as such vapid, boy-crazy idiots) —conjuring an unbelievable fantasy world where only men are good at business, where a woman's sole purpose in life is to find a man, and where people will believe that "The O.C."'s Chris Carmack has a passable British accent. None of these things are true in the real world. (And for that matter: neither is filing a "cover story" as a "journalist," and then getting your own picture on the cover!)

So, Hil-dawg, when you pick your next role from what I'm sure are the many scripts being offered to you this very moment, maybe read it a little more thoroughly t o double-check that your fashionista character will be spunky and smart as opposed to silly and superficial. In the meantime, I'll continue watching my "A Cinderella Story" DVD (hec k yes I own i t, so?) and pretending this mess of a TV movie didn't happen.

--> huhuh.. pretty mean ha?!
Well... I LIKEEEE THIS MOVIEEEEEEE........ keh keh keh.. watever... jom kita tgk gambar..

<--- FYI, sepanjang2 cite ni konon dia pakai beg 4 segi purple ni... sorry for my choice of word... aku tak berapa amik tau pasal 'fashion!' huhuhu.. Rupa2 nya beg purple agak2 masyuk dgn sume kaler eh! hahahhaa... ehem.. aku ni basic color aje g ofis... hitam.. blue black.. coklat... hehehe.. Pencil skirt ni mmg lawa.. sepanjang2 cite ni gak skirt yang dia pakai ala2 pencil skirt. Aku rasa badan dia chubby. Tp dia bole pull off pakai baju ala2 ketat cam ni n skirt dia yang begini.. kasut lak... mak aii.. cantik tak kasut yang dia pakai?? start la aku berkenan ni!! Tp mak aii tinggi la pulak.. siap minah ni bole lari2 dgn kasut ni plak tuh.. alahaii.. mmg i impress! hahaha..

<-- Sethhhhh laa... Sethhhh ... kalau la kat ofis aku ada mamat hensem cam ni. Bole tolong dgn copier machine plak tu!!! hahaha .. tp agak bosan la mamat ni dlm cite ni. Walaupn dia hensem!! alaha iii..

Ada ke orang p tesco kaa.. giant kaa atau 7E pakai mask cam ni?? huahuaaa... -->

<-- masa ni ada conference call bos dia n mamat hensem Seth tu dgn client. Minah ni plak dok melompat2 kat belakang nak capai file. Sekali lagi.. impress dgn skir t dia yang mak aii.. ketat gile. Fit gak badan minah ni . Hahaha..Ko gile nak g ofis pakai skirt cam ni??? hahahahaha...

Sekali lagi pencil skirt dia bersama boss dia yang hensem....

But then, takde la seketat skirt yang Sandra Bullock pakai dlm 'The Proposal'!

--> Ala2 fashion show minah ni g ofis!

Mak aii... cite ni takde sape bawak keta.. sume naik teksi.. kat bandar dia pn tak de kaler lain, kuningggg memanjang.. alahaiii..

Lawa la minah ni.. takde cam Lindsay Lohan.. muka n badan dia penuh freakle! huhuhu.. oh ya.. ada 1 cite dia yang baru.. Labor Pains! huhuh.. ala2 romantic comedy gak.. tp cam tak sanggup nak tgk.. alahaiii..

<-- Lawa la pulak kasut grey dia nihhhh.. adehhh.. henseeeemmm mamat Seth nih. huhuhu... yang jadi bos dia tu aku teringat2 cite True Blood dia jadi leader "Fellowship of the Sun". huhhu...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.

Cite ni aku dah tgk kat wayang dulu.. Tp wajib bagiku utk dwload lagi. hehehe..
Aku ajak member2 g tgk... tp takde sape yang berkenan. Huhuhuhu...
so aku paksa anak2 buah aku bangun pagi.. coz early bird murah skit! heheheh.. nak kena banje depa Mc D lagi.. huhuh..


Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief


At the top of the Empire State Building, Zeus (Sean Bean) tells his brother Poseidon (Kevin McKidd) that his master bolt has been stolen. He blames Poseidon's son for the theft. Despite Poseidon's claims of his son's innocence, Zeus gives him 14 days to return it, lest war break out.

During a field trip to an exhibition of Greek and Roman art, seventeen year old Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman), is lured away from the crowd by a Fury, Mrs. Dodds, disguised as his substitute English teacher, who then attacks him, questioning him about the lightning bolt. The incredulous Percy, who has no knowledge of this, is rescued by his Latin teacher, Mr. Brunner (Pierce Brosnan). After dispatching the Fury, Brunner gives Percy a sword disguised as a pen. On Brunner's instruction, Percy's best friend, Grover Underwood (Brandon T. Jackson), takes Percy to a training camp for demigods, Camp Half-Blood, along with Percy's mother, Sally Jackson (Catherine Keener). Although Percy and Grover, who is revealed to be a satyr, make it to the camp, its defenses prohibit entrance to Sally, who is captured by the Minotaur, and disappears before Percy. Percy engages the Minotaur with the pen, which turns into a sword named Riptide, eventually killing the creature with one of its horns.

In touring Camp Half-Blood, Percy learns that Brunner is the mythological centaur Chiron, and the camp's trainer, and that his (Percy's)father is the god Poseidon. He also meets Luke Castellan (Jake Abel), a son of Hermes, and Annabeth Chase (Alexandra Daddario), a daughter of Athena. While at the camp, Percy learns that water has the power to heal his injuries, and allows him to manifest his magical abilities.

Hades later appears and reveals that Sally Jackson is his prisoner, and proposes she be traded for the master bolt. Chiron instructs Percy not to bargain with the god, but to go to Olympus to convince Zeus of his innocence. Percy sneaks away from the camp to travel to the Underworld, along with Grover and Annabeth, who secure for him from Luke a portable shield, flying shoes and a map to Persephone's (Rosario Dawson) pearls, which allow them to exit the Underworld.

The trio is attacked by Medusa (Uma Thurman), but manage to decapitate her, and take the first pearl from her bracelet. They also take her head, which they later successfully use against a hydra that attacks them during their acquisition of the second pearl from the crown of a giant statue of Athena at the Parthenon replica in Nashville, Tennessee.

They acquire the third and final pearl from a roulette wheel at the Lotus Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, in part with help from Poseidon, who aids them against Lotus Eaters; these had moved from the island where Odysseus had met them to the Lotus Casino in Las Vegas. The map reveals an entrance to the Underworld in Hollywood, beneath the Hollywood Sign. The trio enter the Underworld, where Percy attempts to explain to Hades that he is not the lightning thief. A melee ensues, and although they manage to escape with the rescued Sally, they are forced to leave Grover behind, in Persephone's "care", as they only had three pearls. They are confronted by Luke, who reveals himself to have been the real lightning thief. Expressing his desire for a new generation of rulers to take over Olympus, he explains that he had hoped that the trio would not have escaped the Underworld alive, and after stealing the bolt from Percy, the two engage in battle.

After using his water powers to dispatch Luke, Percy arrives at Olympus, where he presents the retrieved bolt, and reveals the truth about Luke. Percy also requests that Zeus retrieve Grover from the Underworld, which the god agrees to. Poseidon explains to Percy the reason why they could not know each other during Percy's childhood, but expresses his love for his son. Percy returns to Camp Half-Blood, where he resumes his training, ending the film in the midst of a clash with Annabeth.

While the credits were rolling, Sally Jackson leaves Gabe with his stuff in a room. He wanted a beer and found a lock and a note on his refrigerator. Furious, he breaks of the lock only to find Medusa's head. The credits roll on as cracking noises are heard.

---> Hampeh aku tak tau cite ni pasal ape sebenarnya.. tp aku agak obsess pasal Greeks Mythology.. sejarah depa ni menarik. Bila aku dapat tau cite ni sebenarnya adaptasi dari novel... pe lagi.. berjam2 la aku melangguk depan screen mengadap novel Percy Jackson ni dlm bentuk pdf! tak cukup layan kat rumah... aku layan time lunch! hehehehe.. errr.. n time aku sengal kat ofis.. huahuaahuaaa...

Actually novel n movie.. seperti biasa, novel much much mucchhh more better... tp kalau korang tak baca buku.. the movie is good enough!

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Perseus was the son of Zeus, not Poseidon. However, Percy isn't supposed to be the Perseus from original mythology he was given his name in honor of Perseus.

Chiron: Use this to defend yourself. It's a powerful weapon.

Percy Jackson: This is a pen.
Chiron: Only use it in times of severe distress.
Percy Jackson: This is a *pen*.

Percy Jackson: ...and you were a human - goat hybrid... thing
Grover: The politically correct term is satyr.

Grover: [holding up the Medusa head] Guys, I cannot pee with her watching!
[the passing maid sees the head, screams, and runs off]
Annabeth Chase: We better leave before Homeland S ecurity shows up.

Mrs. Dodds: You stole the lightning bolt!
Percy Jackson: I don't know what your talking about!
Mrs. Dodds: Give to me, now, or I will bite your heart out!

Percy Jackson: Oh I wish I could spend all day in the water instead of this place
Grover: Oh like High School without the musical

Medusa: We get so lonely here. That's why I created my statues. They're my only company.
Medusa: [to Annabeth] Daughter of Athena.
Annabeth Chase: How do you know me?
Medusa: You have such a beautiful hair. I used to have like that one before. I was courted, desired by many. But that all changed, because of your mother-who cursed me, who turned me into...[removing her hair cover]
Annabeth Chase: Don't look!
Medusa: This.
[snakes hissing]
Medusa: They say the eyes are windows to the soul. I hope you find my eyes...
[removing her glasses]
Medusa: Attractive... So rude not looking people in the eyes. Come on, sneak a peak.
----> kesiannn kisah 'sejarah' Medusa nih..

Monday, June 14, 2010

Alice in Wonderland.

Wah wahhh... hari Isnin yang bz!
Tp since aku sampai ofis awal, almaklum... cuti sekolah, jalan tak jem.
Bos aku dah tinggal wasiat bawah keyboard. Tp aku malas nak bikin. Lepas buat Nescafe Breakfast aku amik thumbdrive dlm pensel caseku n tgk2... oooo

Alice In Wonderland...


Troubled by a strange recurring dream and mourning the loss of her beloved father, nineteen-year-old Alice Kingsleigh attends a garden party at Lord Ascot's estate, where she is faced with the expectations of marriage and of the society in which she lives. Unsure of how to reply and increasingly confused, she runs away to chase after a rabbit in a waistcoat, and accidentally falls into a rabbit hole. She is transported to a world called Underland where she is greeted by the White Rabbit, the Dormouse, the Dodo, and Tweedledum and Tweedledee. They argue over her identity as "the right Alice," who it is foretold will slay the Red Queen's Jabberwocky on the Frabjous Day and restore the White Queen to power. They consult Absolem the Caterpillar, who decides that she is "not hardly Alice." The group is then ambushed by the Bandersnatch and a group of playing-card soldiers led by the Knave of Hearts. Alice escapes and flees into the woods.

The Knave informs the Red Queen that Alice has returned to Underland and threatens her reign, and the Red Knights are ordered to find Alice immediately. Meanwhile, the wandering Alice encounters the Cheshire Cat, who takes her to the Mad Hatter and March Hare. On the way to the White Queen's castle, Hatter relates the terror of the Red Queen's reign, and comments that Alice is not the same as she once was. The Hatter helps Alice avoid capture by allowing himself to be seized instead. Later, Alice is found by Bayard the bloodhound, who wishes to take her to the White Queen, but Alice insists upon helping the Hatter, so they go to the Red Queen's castle.

The Red Queen is unaware of Alice's identity and therefore welcomes her as a guest. Meanwhile, the Hatter persuades the Queen to let him serve as her personal milliner in an attempt to delay his execution. Alice learns that the Vorpal Sword (the only weapon capable of killing the Jabberwocky) is locked away in a case inside the Bandersnatch's den. She manages to retrieve the sword and befriend the beast. However, the Knave finds her with the sword and attempts to arrest her. Alice escapes on the back of the Bandersnatch and delivers the sword to the White Queen. The Cheshire Cat saves the Hatter from execution, and the Hatter calls for rebellion against the Red Queen. The resistance flees to the White Queen's castle, and both armies prepare for battle. Alice remains unsure about the expectation for her to champion the White Queen, and meets once more with Absolem. He reminds Alice of her past visit to Underland (which she mistakenly called "Wonderland" at the time) thirteen years earlier, and helps give her the courage to fight the Jabberwocky.

When the Frabjous Day arrives, both the White and Red Queens gather their armies on a chessboard-like battlefield and send forth their chosen champions (armor-clad Alice and the Jabberwocky respectively) to decide the fate of Underland. The White Queen offers her sister a chance for peace but is refused. Encouraging herself with words of her father, Alice manages to kill the Jabberwocky. Having regained control of the throne, the White Queen banishes the Red Queen and the Knave to the Outlands, and gives Alice a vial of the Jabberwocky’s blood, which will take her home. The Hatter suggests that she could stay in Underland, but she decides that she must go back and promises that she will return.

After drinking the blood, Alice returns home, where she addresses all of the issues she faced at the beginning of the film and takes charge of her life. She then becomes an apprentice for Lord Ascot, with the idea of beginning oceanic trade routes in China.

Fyi, masa cite ni baru2 keluar member2 aku sume ajak g tgk! Tp seperti ape yang aku ckp kat depa... aku ulang lagi... antara banyak2 cite fairy tales, cite Alice in Wonderland ni aku tak paham camane!
Bkn tak penah nak layan.. ada gak dulu2 katun Alice in Wonderland ni... Tp rasanya cam bosan aje. Pastu aku tak tau jalan cite. huhuh..

Mula2 rasa cam bosan gak.. sebab cakap2 aje. Pastu pelakon tak kenal pn. huhuh...
Pastu lepas Alice masuk dlm rabbit hole tu.. baru start interesting. Akibatnya waktu setengah jam bekerja since bos aku tak masuk lagi.. aku buat bodo aje layan Alice in Wonderland ni. hahahaha..
Lunch time plak.. aku tak kuar makan, terus dok layan sampai abis waktu. Punya la aku naik syiok suda.... balik ingat nak layan dulu sebelum kuar ofis! Tp arrrghhh.. letih laa.. meeting tadi dah buat otak aku penat. hahaha..
Sampai rumah, makan, mandi, solat.. layan sampai abis!


In the film, Alice is now nineteen years old and accidentally returns to Underland (misheard by Alice and believed to be called Wonderland), a place she visited thirteen years previously. She is told that she is the only one who can slay the Jabberwocky, a dragon-like creature controlled by the Red Queen who terrorizes Underland's inhabitants. Burton said the original Wonderland story was always about a girl wandering around from one weird character to another and he never felt a connection emotionally, so he wanted to make it feel more like a story than a series of events. He does not see this as a sequel to previous films, nor as a re-imagining.

In addition to being Burton's highest grossing film, Alice in Wonderland spent three weeks as the #1 movie in the United States, is currently the highest grossing film of 2010, and currently ranks as the fifth highest-grossing film of all time. Despite its short theatrical-release window, it is also only the sixth film ever to cross the $1-billion mark in worldwide gro sses, in addition to also being the first picture to do so without a PG-13 rating. It is also the second film produced and released by Walt Disney Pictures, as well as the only springtime release, to accomplish this feat.

Memorable quotes

The Red Queen: Off with their heads!

The Mad Hatter: What a regrettably large head you have. I would very much like to hat it. I used to hat The White Queen, you know. Her head was so small.
The Red Queen: It's tiny. It's a pimple of a head.

Cheshire Cat: [suddenly appearing]
[notices the marks on Alice's arm]
Cheshire Cat: It looks like you ran afoul of something with wicked claws.
Alice Kingsley: [to herself] I've never stopped dreaming.
Cheshire Cat: What did that to you?
Alice Kingsley: Bander who... the bander...
Cheshire Cat: The Bandersnatch?
[suddenly appears behind Alice, she turns to face him]
Cheshire Cat: Well, I'd better have a look.
Alice Kingsley: What are you doing?
Cheshire Cat: It needs to be purified by someone with evaporting skills, or it will fester and putrefy.
Alice Kingsley: I'd rather you didn't. I'll be fine as soon as I wake up.
Cheshire Cat: At least let me bind it for you?
[Alice holds out her arm and he wraps the wound with a piece of cloth]
Cheshire Cat: What do you call yourself?
Alice Kingsley: Alice.
Cheshire Cat: *The* Alice?
Alice Kingsley: There's been some debate about that.
Cheshire Cat: I never get involved in politics.

The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
[Alice checks Hatter's temperature]
Alice Kingsley: I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

The Mad Hatter: [to Alice] You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness.

Blue Caterpillar: Who are you?
Alice Kingsley: Absolem?
Blue Caterpillar: You're not Absolem. I'm Absolem. Stupid girl.

Stayne - Knave of Hearts: We're looking for the girl called Alice.
The Mad Hatter: Speaking of the Queen, here's a li ttle song we used to sing in her honor:
The Mad Hatter, Dormouse, The March Hare: "Twinkle twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you're at. Up..."
Stayne - Knave of Hearts: [Wraps arm around Hatter's throat] If you're hiding her you'll lose your heads.
The Mad Hatter: *Already lost them.* All together now!
The Mad Hatter, Dormouse, The March Hare: "Up above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky. Twinkle twinkle..."

The Red Queen: And what is this?
White Rabbit: It's a who, majesty. This is... um...
The Red Queen: 'Um'?
Alice Kingsley: From Umbridge.
The Red Queen: What happened to your clothes?
Alice Kingsley: I outgrew them. I've been growing an awful lot lately. I tower over everyone in Umbridge. They laugh at me. So, I've come to you hoping you might understand what it's like.
The Red Queen: My dear girl, anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court. Someone find her some clothes, use the curtains if you must, but clothe this enormous girl.

Stayne - Knave of Hearts: [Stayne sees Alice] And who is this lovely creature?
The Red Queen: Um, my new favourite.
Stayne - Knave of Hearts: [to Alice] What is your name?
The Red Queen: Um.
Stayne - Knave of Hearts: [to Alice] I believe your name has slipped the Queen's mind.
The Red Queen: Her name is Um, IDIOT!

Alice Kingsley: I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot!

Alice Kingsley: I try to believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Count them, Alice. One, there are drin ks that make you shrink. Two, there are foods that make you grow. Three, animals can talk. Four, cats can disappear. Five, there is a place called Underland. Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky.

  • The Los Angeles Times reports that film director Tim Burton based the White Queen on TV cook and cookbook author Nigella Lawson. The character in the movie is played by Anne Hathaway. "There's this very beautiful cooking show host in England named Nigella Lawson and I quietly had her as my image for this character," Burton said. "She's really beautiful and she does all this cooking, but then there's this glint in her eye and when you see it you go, 'Oh, whoa, she's like really ... nuts.' I mean in a good way. Well, maybe. I don't know."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

All About Steve & The Bounty Hunter.

Halamakkk.. aku saje combine dua movies ni sb.... alahaiiiii... worst film ever!!
Tp aku suka kedua2 wanita di dalam filem ini...

All About Steve


Mary Horowitz (Sandra Bullock) is a crossword puzzle writer for the Sacramento Herald. As brilliant as her puzzles are, having an encyclopedic mind also makes her socially awkward. On a blind date set up by her parents, Mary meets Steve Muller (Bradley Cooper), a cameraman for a cable news channel. Steve turns out to be handsome and charming, and Mary is immediately smitten even after a not-so-romantic first date.

Mary's infatuation is not reciprocated by Steve, but she is egged on by newscaster Hartman Hughes (Thomas Haden Church), who enjoys seeing his cameraman Steve suffer. After being fired from her job for creating a crossword titled, "All About Steve", Mary decides to follow Steve around the country. Mary meets and is driven around the country by protesters Elizabeth (Katy Mixon) and Howard (DJ Qualls). While following Steve, the group experiences a tornado, but survives. Eventually Maryfalls into a mine shaft while following Steve, causing her and Steve to become a story themselves.

Mary is trapped in the mine with a deaf girl. Mary discovers a way that they can escape, and is then joined by Hartman, who failed at being a hero but still helps her. Mary realizes that she does not need Steve to be happy -- she has friends. She then states, "If you love someone set him free; if you have to stalk him - he probably wasn't yours in the first place."

Awards and nominations

The movie was nominated for five Golden Raspberry Awards, including Worst Picture, Worst Director (Phil Traill), Worst Actress (Sandra Bullock), Worst Screenplay (Kim Barker), and Worst Screen Couple (Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper). The film won for Worst Actress and Worst Screen Couple.

Sandra Bullock accepted a Razzie award for worst actress, giving out a copy of All About Steve to each member of the audience, promising to attend next year if they all watched to consider if it was "Truly the worst performance." Bullock went on to win an Academy Award for Best Actress for The Blind Side the next day, making her the second person to win an Oscar and a Razzie in the same year.


I love Sandra Bullock. I think she's beautiful, hilarious, and thoroughly charming. Above all, I almost always think she has great instincts when it comes to choosing films. She's probably the reason I was willing to give All About Steve a chance. The trailer promised a quirky comedy, and even with the negative reviews, I thought that this film was right up my ally.

Unfortunately, I was dead wrong. The script was a mess, as if it was trying too hard to be irreverent and failing miserably. The character of Mary Horowitz probably read as a sweet if off-kilter heroine, but she came across as annoying and overbearing. This was perhaps the first time I found Sandra Bullock unlikable. Furthermore, there really wasn't a plot, so-to-speak. It ran like a jumble of unfortunate situations one moment and a media satire the next. Bradley Cooper made a charismatic male lead, but he wasn't given very much to work with, and the character of Steve ended up being little more than a foil for Mary to toy with.

If you're looking for an unusual comedy guaranteed to make you laugh, you're better off watching some other film. In the tradition of romantic comedies, the best parts of the film were shown in the trailer. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it is simply not worth the $10!


The Bounty Hunter


Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston). He thinks all that's ahead is an easy payday, but when Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other - until they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought their promise to love, honor and obey was tough - staying alive is going to be a whole lot tougher.

Love Happens.

Jennifer Aniston!
Wah wahhh wahhh.. ini perempuan mmg lawa. Tp lately banyak cite dia yang sengal... huhuh.. antaranya.. Bounty Hunter! Mak aiii... Worst!! Seriously!! Aku ingat kot2 ending akan jadi better.. takde gak... dari awal sampai last.. hampeh!

Love Happens.


Burke Ryan (Aaron Eckhart), is a successful Ph.D. and author of a self-help book that gives advice about dealing with the loss of a loved one. He writes the book after his wife dies in a car accident as a way to deal with the grief. While giving a workshop in Seattle, where his wife was from, he meets Eloise (Jennifer Aniston), a woman who works as a florist. It seems, however, that Burke has not been following his own advice, and in fact has not been dealing with the loss of his wife. In the end, he confesses to an audience that he was driving the car, and not his wife, as he previously maintained. Due to this, he blames himself for her death. Eloise, along with his wife's father, (Martin Sheen), help Burke move past his wife's death.

--> simple je summary dia... huhu..

Burke: Funerals are important rituals. They're not only recognition that a person has died; they're recognition that a person has lived.

Burke: I happen to know a thing or two about people. You get approached a lot. Probably have since the day you strapped on your first training bra. But you're smart, and you're creative, and you're caring and big... But, how come the guys only see the package it comes in, sure... you're flattered. But ultimately, ultimately it's tiresome because it has nothing to do with you. You were born that way, you can't take credit for it. Your insides though, that's yours. That's what you want someone to truly see. Even a stranger. Ergo... you fake a handicap. Rather than to have a conversation with a fellow human being. You prefer sign language? Fine.
[shows middle finger]

--> FYI cite ni takde la best sangat! But then better la dari Bounty Hunter!! huahuaaaa....

The Rebound.

Alahaii... Catherine Zeta Jones.
Nama pn dah dapat bayang pmpuan ni.. lawa.. dan kita akan continue lagi pasal pmpuan2 yang lebih kurang sebaya dgn Catherine Zeta Jones...

The Rebound.


A housewife and mother of two, Sandy (Catherine Zeta-Jones), discovers that her husband has been unfaithful. After a hasty divorce, she decides to leave home and go to New York City with her young son and daughter. There they begin a new life. Sandy quickly rents an apartment above a coffee house and befriends one of the waiters, Aram Finklestein (Justin Bartha). Aram, at 25, is not sure what he wants to do with his life although he has a college degree and a tendency towards women studies and feminism. Still, he decides to babysit Sandy's children ultimately becoming their full-time nanny. He develops a close-knit relationship with both children and a chemistry starts to brew between Aram and Sandy ensuing in an awkward sexual encounter one of the children witnesses. Notwithstanding, they start to date and after two months it would seem they are perfect together. Until one day Sandy feels nauseous and suspects she is pregnant. Aram is thrilled and looks forward to raising a child with Sandy. But later a doctor confirms to the couple that Sandy is not really pregnant, but at 40 she may still conceive.

As they leave the doctor, a fight breaks out between Aram and Sandy, with the latter confirming that she thinks it's ludicrous that the two of them, with an age difference of 15 years, would ever be happy together. After the break-up, Aram decides to travel the world and to improve the lives of others. Sandy gets promoted at her job and after five years have passed, the two share a chance encounter in a restaurant. Aram reveals he has adopted a young boy from Bangladesh and is still single. Sandy, who was celebrating her promotion with her children and a colleague invites Aram and his family to join them. The film ends as the two hold hands underneath the table whilst their children start to bond.

--> Sape mamat yang berlakon sama dgn Catherine Zeta Jones?? Mamat yang berlakon dlm The Hangover daa... yang comel2 yang cute2... huhuh..

Leap Year.

Lagi Romantic Comedy...
Kali ni minah yang berlakon dlm Enchanted. Amy Adams.


Anna (Amy Adams) travels to Dublin, Ireland to propose to her boyfriend Jeremy (Adam Scott) on February 29, leap day, because according to Irish tradition, a woman can propose to a man on February 29 during a leap year.[3] While mid-flight to Dublin, there is a storm and the plane diverts to Cardiff, Wales. Anna hires a boat to take her to Cork, but the severity of the storm forces her to be put ashore on the Dingle Peninsula. She enlists the help of a surly Irish innkeeper, Declan (Matthew Goode), to taxi her across the country to Dublin to pull off the proposal in time, and begins to question her intentions with Jeremy when she makes a connection with Declan.

At first, Declan refuses to drive Anna to Dublin, but after his inn is threatened with foreclosure the next morning, he agrees to drive for €500. The two set out in Declan's rickety car, but they quickly run into a herd of cows. Anna shoos them away but steps in cow dung, causing her to lean against the car, which wheels back into a lake. Angry at Declan, Anna walks away from him; she stops a car for a lift and after offering to take her bag they drive away with her luggage to the delight of Declan. The two eventually reach a bar where they discover the men going through Anna's luggage. Declan punches them and they are both kicked out by the landlord. They eventually reach a train station by foot. While passing time waiting for the train at a nearby castle, Declan asks Anna what she would save if her apartment caught fire, and she is unable to answer. The train arrives early, and Anna misses it. The two go to a bed and breakfast, where they are forced to say that they are married so they are allowed to stay by their conservative hosts. During dinner, Anna and Declan are forced to kiss, which causes some confusion for them. That night, they hesitantly sleep in the same bed. The next day they take shelter from a hail storm in a church where a wedding is taking place. At the reception, Declan reveals that he was once engaged, but that his ex-fiancee ran off with his best friend, and his family ring, to Dublin.

The next day they arrive, by bus, in Dublin. When Anna reached Jeremy's hotel he proposes to her, and she accepts with hesitation as Declan walks away. At their engagement party, Anna finds out that Jeremy proposed to her in an effort to impress the manager of the ritzy condominium the two were attempting to buy. Dismayed, Anna pulls the fire alarm and watches as Jeremy grabs all the electronics before fleeing. Anna goes back to the Dingle Peninsula, where Declan is successfully running his inn. She proposes that they get together to "not make plans", and Declan leaves the room. Anna interprets this as rejection, so she goes outside and stands at a cliff over the sea. Declan follows her out and says, "Mrs. O'Brady Callaghan, where the hell are you going?" and proposes to her with the ring he retrieved from his ex-fiancee while in Dublin. Some time after, the two are shown driving in Declan's car with a 'Just Married' sign in the back.

--> bagi aku cite ni bes gak.. Aku tak paham nape banyak review yang negative! But then, as i said, mungkin aku minat sangat Romantic Comedy?? hahahaha..

Anna: [as she forces Declan awake] You lying, deceiving, son of a - Get up, get up, get up!
Declan: Wha-what?
Anna: Oh? Heads you win, tails I lose.
Declan: [smirks] Oh, you finally got that did you? Well then, good for you.
Anna: Up, get up! This is my bed. Liars forfeit.
[as she sniffs him]
Anna: And take a shower, you smell.
Declan: [shakes head] You can see right through the curtain.
Anna: Can you?... can you?
Declan: [as he runs to the shower] Okay, liars forfeit, liars forfeit! No peeking!

Bride: May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn't live a day without you. Cheers!
--> very the touching! huhuhu..

Anna: You fried my blackberry
Declan: You fried the whole village!

<--- very the kelakar bila mamat Declan ni memain dgn beg luggage LV yang minah ni bawak. hahahaha...

When in Rome.

Seterusnya cerita cinta. Hahaha...
Aku mmg sucker for a romantic comedy movies! an't get enough of it!!
Aku lately dok cari nama Kristen Bell. Sape minah ni?? Dia la yang jadi narrator utk cite Gossip Girls! Arrrghhh.. Gossip Girls pn aku tak sempat cite kan... untuk Season 3 aku baru wrapped tadi. Tp cannot bring myself to actually finish the finale episode... rasa cam Serena ni suka buat keputusan terburu2 n tak nak dengar orang keliling dia ckp ape! Geram plak aku. huhuh...
errr.. Tp rasanya sekarang kita cite pasal movies. So maybe later aku akan cover pasal series2 yang aku layan...

Sambung pasal Kristen Bell.. dia berlakon dgn mamat Transformers daa.. bkan yang jadi hero. Tp yang jadi Major William Lennox... alaaaa yang tinggi lampai tu. huhuh.. dia kawin dgn Fergie ya. hahahaa...


A successful and single Guggenheim art curator Beth (Kristen Bell) is at a point in her life where love seems like a luxury she just can't afford. Years of waiting for the perfect romance has made Beth bitter. One day, she flies to Rome to attend her younger sister Joan's (Alexis Dziena) impulsive wedding. She meets Nicholas Beamon (Josh Duhamel), who rescues her in a couple of difficult situations but is

just as much as the clumsy clod she is. They click off well and reach a point where both parties take an interest in each other.

Just as Beth convinces herself to believe in love again, she sees Nick kissing another woman who turns out to be the groom's (Luca Calvani) 'crazy cousin'. Slightly drunk, she picks up coins (a poker chip, a rare coin, a penny, a quarter and a nickel) from the “fountain of love” (probably based on the Trevi Fountain). She later learns from Joan that according to legend, if you take coins from the fountain, the owner of the coin will fall in love with whoever took the coin. She has to return the coins back to the fountain to break the spell but is tied up at work with an important gala that her demanding boss, Celeste (Anjelica Huston) has pressured her into taking care of.

She is pursue back to New York by a band of aggressive suitors whose coins she took, including a diminutive sausage magnate (Danny DeVito), a lanky street magician (Jon Heder), a doting painter (Will Arnett), and a narcissistic male model (Dax Shepard). As she falls in love with Nick, she realizes that the poker chip belongs to Nick and is convinced that Nick is merely under a spell but not truly in love with her.

Joan calls Beth on the day of the gala and informs Beth that the spell can also be broken by returning the coins to the original owner. Stacey (Kate Micucci), Beth's secretary who's highly concerned about Beth's miserable love life, overhears the conversation and steals the coins, believing that Beth would lead a better life with people loving her, regardless of the spell.

Beth's suitors all show up together at her apartment and she decides to break it to them that she does not love them and plans to return them the coins. After she explains to them and blurts out her love for Nick, she realizes that Stacey has stolen the coins and goes on a mission to retrieve the coins with her suitors aiding her.

When Beth explains to Stacey that this is not the way she believes love is, Stacey returns the coins and Beth hands back the coins to their owners. Left with the poker chip, she calls Nick and thanks him for making her believe in love again. As Nick makes his way to the gala to search for Beth in a sudden lightning storm that hits New York, Beth is in a situation with Lance who plays with the poker chip by doing disappearing tricks. She accidentally hits the chip out of Lance's hands and chases it as it rolls down three floors of the spiral gallery.

The chip is picked up by Nick, who appears to be still in love with Beth, determining to Beth that his love was true all along. However, on their wedding day in Rome, Lance reveals to Beth that he had given her the wrong chip, which proves that Nick did not break out of the spell. Beth hands the correct chip to Nick and runs away before they get married, sitting down at the fountain of love and complaining about her messed love life.

Nick appears and climbs into the fountain with Beth and claims that he didn't throw a chip into the fountain at all. He drops the poker chip in the water and the priest is heard yelling 'Free of temptation!'. Beth finally believes Nick and they kiss.

--> Cite yang menarik... walaupn takde la bes sangat.. but then, still fun to watch. Err.. ada ya lelaki cam Nick sekarang ni? Very the charming. Hahahaha..