Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love Happens.

Jennifer Aniston!
Wah wahhh wahhh.. ini perempuan mmg lawa. Tp lately banyak cite dia yang sengal... huhuh.. antaranya.. Bounty Hunter! Mak aiii... Worst!! Seriously!! Aku ingat kot2 ending akan jadi better.. takde gak... dari awal sampai last.. hampeh!

Love Happens.


Burke Ryan (Aaron Eckhart), is a successful Ph.D. and author of a self-help book that gives advice about dealing with the loss of a loved one. He writes the book after his wife dies in a car accident as a way to deal with the grief. While giving a workshop in Seattle, where his wife was from, he meets Eloise (Jennifer Aniston), a woman who works as a florist. It seems, however, that Burke has not been following his own advice, and in fact has not been dealing with the loss of his wife. In the end, he confesses to an audience that he was driving the car, and not his wife, as he previously maintained. Due to this, he blames himself for her death. Eloise, along with his wife's father, (Martin Sheen), help Burke move past his wife's death.

--> simple je summary dia... huhu..

Burke: Funerals are important rituals. They're not only recognition that a person has died; they're recognition that a person has lived.

Burke: I happen to know a thing or two about people. You get approached a lot. Probably have since the day you strapped on your first training bra. But you're smart, and you're creative, and you're caring and big... But, how come the guys only see the package it comes in, sure... you're flattered. But ultimately, ultimately it's tiresome because it has nothing to do with you. You were born that way, you can't take credit for it. Your insides though, that's yours. That's what you want someone to truly see. Even a stranger. Ergo... you fake a handicap. Rather than to have a conversation with a fellow human being. You prefer sign language? Fine.
[shows middle finger]

--> FYI cite ni takde la best sangat! But then better la dari Bounty Hunter!! huahuaaaa....

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