Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hannah Montana: The Movie.

Next kita sambung pasal "Hannah Montana: The Movie".
Mari kita cite pasal budak Miley ni dulu... lately banyak gossip pasal dia. Tp aku malas nak cari balik ape yang aku baca last time. huhuu..
so let see summary yang aku jumpa pasal cite ni.


Miley Stewart is struggling with her alter-ego and her popularity. Meanwhile, Oswald, a sneaky undercover journalist for celeb magazine BonChic, overhears that Hannah is keeping a secret and becomes determined to find out what it is. Later, Miley ends up in a fight with Tyra Banks over a pair of shoes at walmart. Steve Rushton performs at Lilly Truscott's birthday party. When Oswald secretly follows her limo to the party, she is forced to attend as Hannah instead of Miley, resulting in the guests turning their attention to her instead of her best friend, especially when Hannah is accompanied by Steve Rushton and Days Difference in her performance of "Let's Get Crazy". Oliver and Rico try to stop Lilly from leaving, but the party is now ruined by an exploding cake. Upset at Miley, Lilly tells Oswald that Hannah is from a place called Crowley Corners; unbeknown that Oswald is a journalist.

Robby is left furious over the fight of Hannah and Tracy reported over the newspapers and her behavior over the past few months. That same day, they leave for the World Music Awards in New York on a private jet, but landed to Crowley Corners, Tennessee, her hometown because of it being her grandmother Ruby's birthday and that he wants her to see the life she could have had. Suddenly, Robby and Miley have their own relationships. Robby has a love interest, Lorelai, played by Melora Hardin, and Miley develops a deep connection with a childhood friend Travis Brody, played by Lucas Till, after he helps her with riding her old horse, Blue Jeans.

Meanwhile, Miley is chastened after Robby mentions that she seems to want to be Hannah Montana more than she wants to be with her family. Oswald, meanwhile, follows Miley to her hometown. Later, she tries to write a song, but when Travis ignores it, she is unable to write. Meanwhile, there is a firm battle developing with the residents of Crowley Corners and a team of developers who are planning to destroy the meadows and building a shopping mall on the site. At a barn party that night, several singers contribute to the charity to save Crowley Corners, singing "Back to Tennessee" by Billy Ray Cyrus, and "Crazier" by Taylor Swift. While Miley then sings "Hoedown Throwdown" until the mall developers arrive. Then Travis suggests that Hannah Montana should appear to play a special gig, seeing that Miley knows her (Miley had lied to Travis that she saved Hannah's life in a surfing accident) as a way to save the meadows from being ruin for construction. Soon she feels like she let Robby and herself down because of the date and the dinner.

Miley spends time with Lilly, who has arrived along with Hannah Montana's band and crew, and the two make up. She has a rough time adjusting to farm life while trying to be herself and Hannah, and Oswald takes a picture of her and Lilly, and Lilly is the one that invited Oswald to come here for a secret by accident. When Miley sees Travis, talking to him as Hannah, she encourages him to ask Miley out; he decides to take her advice. She promises to go, but has been invited to dinner with the Mayor by Bella (Lilly had been disguised as Hannah at the time).

Miley struggles to switch between the two venues as both forms. Eventually she lets her guard down and is caught by Travis and a little girl holding her Hannah outfit. He immediately rejects Miley and she is excited. Matters get better when Robby has to break up with Bella, needing to take care of his daughter. Later, Miley writes her own song, "Butterfly Fly Away", which she and Robby Ray sing together to cheer her up. Upon finding the finished chicken coop that he and Miley were building and hearing the Hannah Montana song "Rock Star", Travis, feeling a little guilty, decides to go to the concert to support Miley.

Hannah suddenly stops mid-song, seeing Travis show up. She explain to the crowd that she cannot do this anymore, saying that where she was is home. Hannah then removes her blond wig, revealing that she is Miley Stewart and can no longer continue being Hannah, declaring herself unable to lead her double life anymore. She then sings her own song she created, "The Climb", but afterward the crowd pleads with her to carry on being Hannah, with the little girl telling Miley that they won't tell anyone her secret. Suddenly, Oswald appears and takes a picture on his mobile phone but after encouragement not to by his twin daughters, he changes his mind and quits his job. The concert ("You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home") is a success and Miley departs Tennessee again after kissing Travis, her faith in living a double life fully restored.

--> mak aiii.. pnjang gile! huhuh...

Bagi aku cite ni pn bes kalau korang suka tgk Hannah Montana The Series kat Disney Channel. Aku kadang2 layan gak... hahahah.. anak2 buah aku tak suka tgk sitcom cam ni.. kenapa eh?? dulu masa aku kecik rasa cam tiap2 hari tunggu 1/2 jam sitcom. Tp since dah keja ni.. rasa cam takde time. So kadang2 weekend kalau ada time depan tv aku akan bukak 615 layan sitcome budak2 atau 711 layan sitcome orang dewasa. hahahaha..

Fyi, aku suka gak budak Miley dlm cite ni. Kat luar pasal dia la nak buat ape.. takde kaitan dgn aku. Tp character dia dlm cite ni seorang kawan yang sangat loyal n abang dia... mak aiii.. pandai menjawab.. cam anak2 buah aku gak! huhu..

Oh ya, budak Larry dlm Spy Next Door tu jadi Travis dlm cite ni.. cute gak budak ni! hahaha..

Antara dialog yang menarik..

Travis Brody: Life's a climb... but the view is great.

Store Manager: Tyra Banks. That's our only pair .
Tyra Banks: That's not funny. Do you know who i am?
Hannah Montana: Well i know you know who I am!

--> Masa ni aku rasa Hannah cam balagak gilee...

Lilly Truscott: [after being denied tickets to the Hannah Montana concert] You're the only popstar I know who can't get into her own concert.

Security Guard
: Stop in the name of Security!

Robby Ray Stewart: You got in a shoe fight!
Hannah Montana: Daddy, don't do this.
Robby Ray Stewart: I Think we're done.
Hannah Montana: So you're saying I can never be Hannah again?
Robby Ray Stewart: Ask me in 2 weeks.

Cantik plak rumah ayam yang depa dok bina nih.. colorfull!! tp kan.. korang rasa baunya adakah akan sama dgn reban ayam yang kita ada di sini?? hmmmmmmm.... huahuahuaaa...

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